Dear Owners & Tenants of OBH2,
We are organising two events for Christmas as follows: Please join in and make OBH2 a vibrant and friendly place to be in:
1) Christmas Gift Exchange and Networking –
15th December 2017 (Friday) . 4pm to 6pm at Rooftop Cafe.
Tenants are welcome to join us at the roof top cafe for food, drinks & networking. Bring along a gift worth at least S$10 and exchange it with another guest.
A nominal ticket fee of S$5 per guest will be collected to confirm participation and defray catering expenses.
If you and your office staff wish to join us for fun, food and friendship, please email to register indicating unit info and number of tickets needed.
Christmas Flea Market –
14th & 15th December 2017 (Thursday & Friday) . 10am to 6pm at Ground floor drop-off point.
Tenants are welcome to take up a stall space at the flea market to sell goodies. Stall fee for tenants is S$100 / stall space for the two-days (external stallholders will pay S$200/stall space for the two-days). Stalls / Tables to be provided by stall holders. Items on sale cannot be fake, illegal, expired nor unfit for use.
Please email for more information if you wish to be stall holder at the Flea market.
MCST 4060
1 November 2017
Oxley BizHub 2 – Enabling Successful Businesses.
Improve the comfort & happiness of the Occupants, Maintain balance & harmony with the surrounding, Increase the value & status of the Property. Creating Marina Bay Offices with B1 facilities.